PROJECT PROFILE – Trinity Baptist Church
The person on the ground might not be able to see it, but we know that Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio has a great quality new roof.
This 300 square foot gravel roof was restored with a “bulletproof” 3- ply, ultra-robust FARR system and is now eligible for a 20-year renewable warranty.
The contractor, DK Haney (Blue Thread) from San Antonio, took great care to properly prepare this gravel roof by vacuuming and power washing the surface before installation began. That is an important step to obtain proper adhesion. Gravel hides so much dirt and debris so with a gravel roof rehab proper preparation is the key.
The job is special for many reasons but what stands out is the unique way DK Haney’s team hoisted the rooftop equipment to install the pre-fabricated membrane blankets underneath. They did a terrific job with properly preparing this important detail for the new roof.
After hoisting the units they took great care in cleaning, fabricating and installing this pre-fab blanket detail using Western Colloid’s recommendations to create a watertight seal. This adds an extra layer of protection under equipment that leaks water or other corrosive materials.
Besides the superior roof system specification, the contractor doubled down using our 298 X Asphalt Emulsion to address low spots and ponding areas. This additional layer of protection helps mitigate standing water.
Anyone who still doubts the ability to restore a gravel roof to ‘better than new” hasn’t met this Texas church.
For more information on restoring gravel roofs please Contact Western Colloid Today.