Meet the Team – David Lyon
Western Colloid is proud to have such a dedicated team. Our customer support is legendary, and our team fits beautifully with our company culture. We think of ourselves as a roofing manufacturer with the soul of a contractor.
These are the people that take our great products and become valued partners with our customers. Getting to know these talented individuals helps explain the secret to our success.
We are asking our team 10 questions about themselves.
Meet David Lyon, Regional Manager of Arizona/New Mexico/Colorado.
Q.) How long have you been in the roofing industry?
A.) I’ve been in the roofing industry for 3 years. I got into the construction industry a few years after I got out of the military in 2010.
Q.) How long have you been working for Western Colloid?
A.) I’ve been with Western Colloid for 3 years.
Q.) What service do you provide your customers that is unique, if you don’t mind sharing?
A.) Multifaceted focused support on the customer. I see myself as part of our client’s team, and as such, work diligently in helping them grow and or problem solve. I believe in taking a hands-on approach and will not sacrifice my character along the way.
Q.) What are the most valuable lessons you learned about roofing since working for Western Colloid?
A.) Playing the long game is all about reputation and relationships. Western Colloid puts the highest priority and value on these two things and has learned that emphasizing on them leads to long term success.
Q.) In a few words describe the most important trait in a roofing mechanic/installer?
A.) Pride of workmanship.
Q.) What are your biggest concerns for the roofing business today?
A.) Demand for skilled labor. If I had access to a willing and able labor pool, I would be every contractor’s best friend.
Q.) Do you support any associations related to the roofing/construction industry?
Q.) What is the thing you like most about Western Colloid as a Company?
A.) The overall care and consideration they have for their employees both professionally and personally.
Q.) What advice would you give someone just starting in the coating business?
A.) Surround yourself with individuals that are gracious with their knowledge… And when it comes to roof coating systems, Reinforce, Reinforce, Reinforce!
Q.) What is your most Frequently asked question in the field when you are on an inspection?
A.) When providing an initial assessment/roof walk, contractors ask “Can I just coat this?” Answer 95% of the time is no. It should be a reinforced system.
Q.) What is your most Frequently asked question in the field when you are doing a demo?
A.) When doing a demo with asphalt emulsion and reinforcement, contractors ask “How long before we can walk on it?” Typically, next day.
Q.) What makes you smile when you think about your job?
A.) Working for a company that still puts value on a handshake and your word.
If you are in the Arizona, Colorado or New Mexico areas and need some terrific customer service and support please contact David Lyon.