PROJECT PROFILE – Southwest Research Institute
Southwest Research Institute, SWRI Building B87
Here is the story of the building roof that had it all and the happy ending it deserved!
This particular gravel roof is on one of hundreds of structures at a 1200-acre research facility. It had all the familiar challenges but amplified. The ponding water was deeper, the gravel bigger, the roof top equipment more troublesome.
Since the crew was fairly new to Western Colloid our technical support team worked extensively to address each challenge as they trained the crew.
We were happy to introduce our new 298 X Emulsion to solve many of this roof’s challenges. For instance, to address the extra-large gravel that was deeply imbedded it provided a perfect candidate for the 298 X to smooth out the worst uneven areas. It also proved a terrific way to level out the ponding areas. Plus 298 X can be sprayed on which is a new way of applying product for these for these types of applications.
298 X has a special light-weight component added to the standard 298 Asphalt Emulsion to maintain volume after drying. The increased volume lessens the shrinkage when used as a fill coat over gravel or ponding areas after evaporation. This can also be used for crickets and to help redirect water flow. All of this was a benefit for installing a worry free roof.
We are very proud of the fact that Contractor, Owner, and Consultant, are all pleased with the results of the job. One would have never expected this type of outcome for this challenging of a project.
Well, we at Western Colloid aren’t really surprised. We were made for these types of projects. Contact us with your next challenge or easy job. We will just make it easier.