PROJECT PROFILE – Cypress Office Building

Original Substrate: BUR with Gravel

As time marches on for our 50-year-old company, Western Colloid is now involved in roof ‘reconditioning’ projects more and more.  A great example is our featured project below.

In 2009 Bligh Pacific Roofing in Southern California was tasked with reroofing a gravel roof on a 2-story office building. There was a big concern by the owner to install a roof that would not disturb the sensitive building occupants.

Rather than removing the roof entirely they trusted Western Colloid’s products to be able to work over a rough surface and provide a new cool roof with a 10-year warranty.  All while installing a roof safely with little to no inconvenience for the tenants. They removed the loose gravel exposing the rough surface below and proceeded with an emulsion, 2 ply polyester and acrylic topcoat system which is ideal for these kinds of situations. Bligh Pacific completed this quality project with very happy clients.

Here comes the time marching on part.  12 years later Bligh Pacific Roofing was asked to comeback and recondition this well-maintained roof.  They recently renewed the roof system with a one ply reinforced acrylic specification which gives them an additional 10 years. Plus, they took advantage of our 850 SWS Walkway coatings for additional protection.

This roof is a shining example of extending the life of your roof.  With a little attention and the right products (Western Colloid!) this roof can be extended indefinitely.

It was our pleasure to be trusted twice by Bligh Roofing. They have a reputation for excellence on project logistics and customer comfort relations. We aim for having those same qualities!


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