Western Colloid Supports Industry Trade Associations and Here is Why
Let’s look past the obvious networking benefits belonging to a trade association can give you and let’s look at it from your and our point of view.
With Western Colloid association membership and support go much deeper. We strongly believe all our livelihoods depends on good practices, good laws, and the right kind of product regulation. From the contractor to the manufacturer and ultimately the building owner. If it affects you, it’s really affecting all of us.
We believe associations play a vital role in the growth of our industry. They help professionalize the roofing industry as a whole. They help develop standards and practices, training, and resources. Trade associations on the national level also keep our state and federal laws and regulations fair. For employment, environmental, transportation, codes, safety, and immigration.
Associations for product manufacturing, such as the Roof Coating Manufacturers Association, with its 70 plus Manufacturer members, helps provide its members with up-to-date information on building codes and technical developments.
Western Colloid is actively involved with many governing agencies. Our Hal Leland for example lends his technical expertise as a subcommittee chair and voting member at ASTM International, as co-chair of the Codes and Standards Task Force for the Roof Coatings Manufacturer Association (RCMA), and his position on the Board of Directors for the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC).
Our President, Greg Hlavaty is a RCMA past president among other notable association positions. By helping develop standards through these associations we ensure that the products you are stating your reputation on adhere to basic quality standards.
For contracting businesses, trade associations are available at many levels. The focus may be different, but the importance is the same. Associations on the local level can bring education and resources plus a sense of community. Greg Hlavaty, states, “My father started the first roofing association in California’s central valley. My support of the roofing industry and my belief in the importance of these kinds of organizations runs deep as it does with Western Colloid’s company culture.”
Local associations may not be the avenue for you. There are state and multi-state organizations out there with different agendas – check out what they do. Larger organizations can offer training resources, safety information and insurance options. Let’s not forget about the conferences.
Joining an organization is not for everyone, many contractors are wary as to their effectiveness or time commitment. We believe the right affiliation will be worth your time and will greatly benefit your business.
We thank the countless volunteers that take the time and work to protect the roofing industry on our behalf. We also understand the need to financially support these associations and when possible, encourage you to do so also.
Collectively we have the power to change our industry for the better.
Here are a few of the associations we support and how to reach them:
Contractor Associations
Western States Roofing Contractors Association (WSRCA)
Midwest Roofing Contractors Association (MRCA)
Roofing Contractors Association of Texas (RCAT)
Roofing Contractors Association of California (RCAC)
Roofing Contractors Association of Hawaii (RCAH)
Arizona Roofing Contractors Association (ARCA)
San Diego Roofing Contractors Association (SDRCA)
Southern California Roofing Contractors Association (RCASC)
North Texas Roofing Contractors Association (NTRCA)
Colorado Roofing Contractors Association (CRA)
National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA)
Industry Affiliations
Roof Coating Manufacturers Association (RCMA)
U.S. Green Building Council (USBCG)
Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC)
Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA)
International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC)
Local Chapters of IFMA
Local Chapters of BOMA
Local Chapters of IREM
Here is where you can find other associations to meet your needs.